Faith Deconstruction Therapy
Morgan Myers, LPC
Licensed Professional Counselor
“Most of us were taught that God would love us if and when we change. In fact, God loves you so that you can change. What empowers change, what makes you desirous of change is the experience of love. It is that inherent experience of love that becomes the engine of change.”
Richard Rohr
I believe we can embrace our doubt and our belief, our devoutness and our relativism, our woundedness with the church and our healing experiences with God. If we can hold all of these together we’re practicing grace. To put it in psychological terms, we developing a more flexible view of ourselves and the world, which is always healthier than shame and self-judgement.
All of this I have seen first hand in my own faith. I have, and still do grapple with deep doubt. I have experienced spiritual wounding from the leaders I believed in. I am still reconciling my past experiences with my concept of God now. As a therapist I believe we are body, mind and spirit. And healing and growth can happen in all of these areas.

Clients come to me when…
- They need guidance as they begin deconstructing their faith
- They keep over-moralizing their choices
- They are unable to let go of failures- even as they are trying to embrace more freedom
- They have a harsh inner critic
- Shame seems so loud in their head.
- They’re trying to make different choice than what they were taught growing up
- They want to feel more confident about their choices around naysayers
- They are wanting to embrace a spiritual life that feels more true to who they are.
Recommended Reading